Wednesday, October 12
Yeah, Baby! @ 10:16 AM
Okay, while we’re working to get the site rebuilt we have a new option for those of you who have had problems downloading music: CD Baby now carries my new album THE DA VINCI CHORD for purchase as an actual plastic CD or for download. You can download individual songs from the album as well.
We’re working on getting the old CD, INSULT TO INJURY, available there as well. Note that the prices on CD Baby are a bit higher because those people do this for a living and we have to pay them a commission on each sale. Everything I get from it will still be given to local schools in Los Angeles county.
One other thing: if you like my music it would be great if you could take a minute to write a review on their site, even if you don’t plan to buy anything. Since I have neither publicist nor paparazzi to keep people informed about what I’m up to, I need your help! Many, many thanks.